Craig J. Brown
Associate Professor and Principal Investigator
Seascape Ecology & Mapping (SEAM) Lab
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Dr. Craig Brown is an Associate Professor in the Oceanography Department at Dalhousie University. His research focuses on studying benthic ecosystems from a geospatial perspective utilizing the latest seafloor habitat mapping methodologies and technologies (marine acoustic remote sensing techniques). His main areas of research interest are in the emerging field of seascape ecology - studying the biophysical interactions in seafloor ecosystems to facilitate the development of effective fisheries and conservation management strategies. This interdisciplinary research involves spatial analysis of ecological, geological, geophysical, and oceanographic data sets to: a) Understand spatial and temporal patterns in benthic biodiversity and habitat characteristics; b) Produce robust and accurate thematic maps of the seafloor environment; c) Develop effective benthic ecosystem monitoring techniques and methods; d) Ultimately facilitate management decisions through the use of GIS.
Areas of Expertise:
Benthic Ecology
Seafloor Habitat Mapping
Acoustic remote sensing
Underwater imaging
Benthic Ecosystem Monitoring