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Joanna Mills Flemming 
Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University

Joanna Mills Flemming is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Dalhousie University. Her research interests centre on the development of statistical methodology for data exhibiting spatial and/or temporal dependencies with a particular interest in what is important for marine ecology, and more broadly, fisheries science. 

Joanna holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (1995) from the University of Guelph, an M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (1997) from the Technical University of Nova Scotia, and a Ph.D. in Statistics (2000) from Dalhousie University. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Econometrics at the University of Geneva (2002-2004). In 2013, she was the recipient of the Abdel El-Shaarawi Young Researcher's Award from the International Environmetrics Society for her distinguished contributions to the development of novel statistical methodology to study marine biodiversity and sustainability; for passionate promotion of environmetrics by bridging the interdisciplinary gap between oceanography, marine biology, and modern statistical science; and for excellence in interdisciplinary mentoring of a future generation of environmetricians.

Joanna serves as the Associate Director of the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI), as Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Statistics, and as Chair of the Statistical Society of Canada Research Committee. She is also the Leader of the CANSSI Collaborative Research Team Project titled Towards Sustainable Fisheries: State Space Assessment Models for Complex Fisheries and Biological Data.

© 2020 BEcoME. 

Research funding was provided by the Ocean Frontier Institute, through an award from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund

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